I’ve got a secret soooo big, the urge to gossip soooo intense, it almost physically hurts. I mean this gossip, this secret, could blow some people’s asses right out of the water. While some of these folks I wouldn’t mind seeing them blown out, one or two of them I wouldn’t want to see hurt for anything.
Oh gosh, this is painful.
Can keeping a secret to myself harm me? Oh. My. Gosh. I just want to spew it out and I can't.
I'm in pain here.
Gossip, gossip, gossip.
And getting the rest of us all wound up about it and then not telling is fair how?
Posted by: Light & Dark | January 03, 2005 at 06:21 PM
Yowza! I never know what to do in those situations. Gossip eats a hole in your pocket, like too much money.
I have an idea! Tell some totally disinterested third party, who lives far, far away from the subject of your gossip, doesn't know 'em, and who could really care less. It'll make YOU feel better, AND save the good guys!
Would that work? Or am I just flappin' my gums, here? ;)
Posted by: Queenie | January 03, 2005 at 06:59 PM
Queenie's right, as usual! You DO have my email address, right? ;)
Posted by: pam | January 03, 2005 at 07:25 PM
The construct that men do not enjoy gossip is highly overrated. We enjoy the salacious just as much as the females.
Posted by: Velociman | January 03, 2005 at 08:44 PM
Damn it, BeeBee! If you know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried, just spit it out! :-)
Posted by: Harvey | January 04, 2005 at 02:53 PM