Even the best of marriages have their bad moments. Yesterday we were taking care of some financial business at the lawyer’s office.
This business found us on opposite sides.
Whoa, that was a moment that married couples really don’t like to find themselves in at all, not at all.
Let me tell you it brought out our bad sides...instantly.
Words were exchanged rapid fire, bam, bam, bam, and I backed off. This is my Big Guy after all, the love in my life.
So I delayed any action until next week. Big Guy just about blew a gasket on that, but I knew it was the best thing to do until we can resolve this issue.
Act in haste, repent in leisure, I believe that.
Yes it’s all about property and money and what to do with it.
We aren’t talking about a huge amount of either the property or money, depending on how you sit financially anyways. But Big Guy wants the headache of dealing with it over. Just wants it over, cut and run is how he feels about it.
I’m the opposite, I know that I can turn it around; I know I can, and get our money out plus make a profit from this neglected property.
After putting everything off for a couple of weeks, and we were in the parking lot again, getting in the car, words being exchanged fast and furious. Angry recriminations, hurtful insults to each other.
This was not at all how I thought I would be spending my Friday afternoon.
I declared time out, apologized for my behavior and said nothing has to be resolved today.
Big Guy didn’t apologize for his behavior, so now I’m simmering, big time. I’ll have to find a way to let it go.
Our evening didn’t go to bad, we are still on time out until we can find a way to talk about the subject that isn’t confrontational.
But it will have to be resolved, and the problem is I am right and Big Guy is wrong.
I cannot tolerate to lose money on this just because Big Guy “wants the headache” gone.
Now if Big Guy can give me a better argument than that, lay out the reasoning behind this, I might be able to understand and I might even switch over to his side and agree with him.
But it isn’t in me, I’m not capable, just don’t understand the “headache” crap.
I deal with what can and can’t be done, give me reason, give me arguments, I can deal with that, it’s tangible, and makes sense to me.
Big Guy and I are in for a weekend of dancing around each other.
Lord knows I love Big Guy, but this time? This time? Big Guy is wrong.
I’m going to stay in time out for the weekend, examine my thoughts on the subject, my motivations, and reevaluate the situation.
I suppose, maybe I could be wrong...but I know I’m not...
This may be one of those horrible times in a marriage when you really piss your partner off and wait for time to heal the wound. I hope it doesn’t come to that.
Update 1:
I was up at 2:30AM thinking about our problem. What to do, what to do? So I came up with the beginning of a plan.
First I got busy and made a document with bullets that explains what I want to do in black and white.
Then I ended it with how much money will be made. In case you’re interested the amount is $25 to $30 K. nothing to sneeze at is it?
I made Apple Fritters and got the coffee ready for when I heard Big Guy get up.
When he came down I had fresh brewed coffee and Apple Fritters.
After he ate and almost swooned with joy, I asked him when he had a minute to just take a look, just a quick peek, at my document.
Big Guy looked, and then he took another look. Big Guy came up with an issue at which I promptly asked him if he would also document so neither of us will get into any kind of verbal exchange over this. Both Big Guy and myself can be very sharp with our tongues when we want to.
Big Guy had to go into work this morning but he will be home in a couple of hours. I plan we will lunch at his favorite restaurant in Houston.
I think he will come around to my way of thinking, maybe so, maybe not. But one thing I do know I will listen and read and I will hear what he has to say.
I could be wrong...but I don’t think I am...but I could be wrong...maybe.
Update 2:
Remember that old joke,...I’ve been thinking... Oh yeah, does it hurt?
I’ve been thinking...a lot...and yeah, this time it does hurt.
Big Guy presented his conflict with me on paper and I saw immediately I could shoot him out of the water. I knew in that moment I was right, I had won.
But then talking together, after all this back and forth, me demanding what I always want, he pretty much shot me out of the water.
Big Guy says he’s 61 years old and soon to be 62 and he doesn’t want to devote the time to this property. That he wants to play, spend more time with me traveling and enjoy my company. That this property would take time in the next year, not a lot of time but time that he could be spending with me, enjoying me.
How do I argue with that, top that? I won’t.
End of argument.
Have I told anyone lately how much I love my Big Guy?